Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Chalk it up. My 10:00's on Monday nights are offically booked for as long as NBC desires. "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" has lived up to its lofty expectations. What I want to hear is an interview with Tina Fey or Robert Smigel so they can comment on how accurate the show is at depicting the chaos that surrounds a variety show. If you haven't seen the show, check it out on the link I provided. You can watch it for free...and that's pretty cheap.

So Richt finally admitted that he has no clue what's going on with the recievers, or ball droppers as I like to call them (you see what I did there? I changed the name from "reciever" to "ball dropper". It's sarcasm, and I like it). Does it worry me? Not really. All of these guys, MoMass excluded, are not game breakers so they had to come to UGA for a reason (it's not their blazing speed or John Hart-like open field moves)...and that reason had to be for their hands. I know that reason applies to Kris Durham. They'll shake it off and I think we'll start watching the recieving corp make like fruits and veggies and PRODUCE!

Stay tuned tomorrow for Pasqua and Stanicek's football picks (college and NFL games).

That's all for now. Peace and love (Chris Porter, eat your heart out).


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