UGA baseball opens up THIS Friday against the defending National Champions...

Pitchers and Catchers report in T-minus 10 days and counting...

And that most hallowed of days...the day when they give you a free side of feta dressing at Gyro even though you didn't order it, the day when our next-door neighbor turns on his kitchen light at 3:30am (as he does every night) resulting in a blinding brilliant beam of light illuminating my bedroom like the stage of a "Backstreet Boys" concert and yet I don't mind in the least, the day every traffic light downtown seems to turn green, the day when even "The Prestige" seems like a good movie...Major League Baseball Opening Day is just 57 days away...

Do you still live next door to that guy who secretly loves you and hates Carrie because of his man-love for you?
Let me preface my answer by saying that Russ' quotes and opinions are entirely his own, appearance of which in this comment section should in now way imply the approval of said opinion by the owner/author of the site.
To answer your question Russ - no. In fact its pretty lonely over there now so if anyone is looking for a ramshackle WWII-era duplex with a lax landlord, and hole(s) in the ceiling BUT is within walking distance of Foley Field, Sanford, Stegeman, downtown and me...just let me know.
Most importantly, when is the fantasy baseball draft?!?
(Insider tip: Scott Thorman. First round pick. You heard it here first.)
Who are the defending college beesaball national champions?
What? If it isn't college football or grade A cocaine-related I just don't keep up with it.
Oregon State...and let's be brutally honest Adam you know FAR more about fine cocaine than you do about college football...or your own family for that matter.
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